CJC-1295 DAC (GH Booster) 2mg – Apoxar


What is it: CJC-1295 DAC peptide is a synthetic compound that stimulates the release of growth hormone from the pituitary gland to improve overall health and muscle volume.

Used for: As a performance-enhancing and anti-aging drug to increase lean muscle mass, improve strength and endurance, reduce body fat, and improve bone density.

How to use: The recommended dosage is between 1000 mcg and 2000 mcg per week, divided into two or three subcutaneous injections. Combine its use with a healthy diet and exercise program to achieve desired results.

SKU: APO-CJC-1295 Category:


CJC-1295 DAC peptide is a synthetic peptide that has become increasingly popular among bodybuilders, athletes, and fitness enthusiasts.

This performance-enhancing drug is designed to stimulate the release of growth hormone from the pituitary gland, which can help to improve overall health and fitness.

CJC-1295 DAC peptide works by binding to the growth hormone-releasing hormone receptor and triggering the release of growth hormone from the pituitary gland. Once released, growth hormone helps to increase the synthesis of new proteins in the body, which in turn helps to build lean muscle mass and improve strength and endurance. 

Additionally, growth hormone helps to reduce the breakdown of fat in the body, which can lead to a reduction in body fat and an improvement in overall body composition.

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